We offer two types of massage therapy: sports massage therapy, and medical and stretching massage therapy.
Sports Massage Therapy
Massage is a treatment technique that focuses on manipulating the soft tissues of the body by using varying degrees of stimulation and pressures. The therapist may use a combination of movements to ease muscle tension (including kneading, tapping, vibration or deep circular motions). The speed, position, and direction of movements may vary depending on the aim of treatment (i.e. relaxation or stimulation of the part being treated). Massage therapy was found to be helpful in many ways, including:
Along with massage, our therapists may also incorporate other muscle manipulating techniques (such as cupping) to support treatment goals.
Medical and stretching massage therapy
Medical and stretching massage therapy is slightly different from sport massage therapy in the way it is performed. It involves deep compression, acupressure, joint mobilization, and active stretching techniques (including pulling and rocking). The goal is to relieve tension and improve muscle and joint flexibility. Other benefits include: