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Physiotherapy helps patients with functional mobility issues caused by injuries, illnesses, or surgeries. Physiotherapists identify patients’ functional needs and develop plans to relieve pain, restore maximum body function, improve independence with everyday tasks (such as sports and exercise, recreational activities, work duties, etc.), and decrease risk of injuries during performing these day-to-day activities.

Our physiotherapists help patients of all ages with a wide range of mobility conditions. After examining the patient’s medical history and conducting a thorough biomechanical assessment, they develop bespoke treatment plans based on the needs of each patient. During these assessments, the therapists will ask patients a list of questions to learn about the patient’s complete medical history, determine current complaints and problems, and identify appropriate treatment goals.

Our treatment methods include:

Hands-on Therapy

Manual Therapy, Myofascial Release, PNF, NDT-Bobath, Sensory Integration, Manual Lymphatic Drainage                                                             

Tool-based Therapy

Dry Needling, Acupuncture, Taping, Traction, Cupping, IASTM                                    

Device-supported Therapy

Electrotherapy, Electrostimulation, Ultrasound Therapy, Shock Wave Therapy, Intermittent Pneumatic Compression.

Our physiotherapists are supported by a multidisciplinary team of physicians and healthcare professionals who have extensive experience in many areas, including: occupational therapy, speech therapy, exercise prescription and kinesiology, sports massage, and lymphatic drainage. For example, patients who suffer from mental health concerns – along with mobility issues – or  who wish to make lifestyle changes to improve their health can also benefit from our Mental Health and Wellness services.

Orthopedic physiotherapy

Orthopedic physiotherapists have advanced education and skills to assess and treat injuries and conditions that involve the skeleton (bones), muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. All of these structures and tissues are captured and summarized by the term “musculoskeletal”.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy utilizes the basic sciences of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics as background theory in the assessment and management of patients. Approaches to management in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy involve not only ‘manipulation’, but also manual assessment and treatment techniques, specific therapeutic exercise, therapy with tool or use of machines and advice on posture and movement disorders.

Some of the conditions our physiotherapists treats include:

  • Sports injuries
  • Post-surgical - joint replacements (hip, knee, shoulder), ligament reconstructions, disc surgeries, bone fixations and fracture repair, muscle tear repairs, meniscal surgeries, joint fusions
  • Painful conditions of the neck and back, as a result of disc problems causing local pain and/or numbness and tingling referring to the arms and/or legs
  • Myofascial pain - pain that occurs in the musculoskeletal system without any obvious cause
  • Arthritis and arthritic related pain
  • Whiplash and other injuries from motor vehicle accidents
  • Work related repetitive strain injuries, including, but not limited to: chronic neck tension, carpal tunnel syndrome, or headaches from desk or computer work
  • Headaches : our treatment focuses on determining the type of headache, i.e. migraine versus neck dysfunction being the root cause (cervicogenic)
  • Dizziness : our treatment focuses on determining the root cause, i.e. neck dysfunction (cervicogenic)
  • Postural issues
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)

As part of our Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Unit, this department provides specialized pediatric physiotherapy programs for children of all ages (from birth to adulthood). The department was developed with the primary aim of helping children with mobility difficulties improve their gross motor skills and reach maximum body potential. Our well-trained physiotherapists start by making a comprehensive assessment of the child’s motor and functional skills, including posture, muscle tone and strength, balance, coordination, gait, sensory processing, and other elements that may affect the child’s mobility. Then, they work closely with children and their families to develop the best treatment programs - based on each child’s age and condition. They also offer advice on the exercises and activities the children can do at home (with their families) and/or at school (with their teachers) to support treatment outcomes.

Developmental delays can significantly impact all aspects of the child’s life, including his/her academic and social performance. The earlier the treatment begins, the better the results will be. Our Pediatric Physiotherapy Department offers effective, safe early intervention programs to improve the overall quality of life of infants and toddlers with developmental disorders. These programs aim to improve the children’s gross and fine motor skills by encouraging them to engage in tailored, age-appropriate, and meaningful activities. Our physiotherapists work with families, caregivers, and other team members (if necessary) to identify the plan that works best for each child.

Our Programs Include:

  • Musculoskeletal and orthopedic physiotherapy
  • 3D manual foot therapy
  • Early intervention for infants/toddlers
  • Infant and children home visits
  • Sensory integration programs
  • Assistance with irritable and crying babies
  • Assistance on how to support head and neck while holding a baby
  • Assisting infants with crawling, standing, and walking
  • Physiotherapy programs for infants with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Pediatric physiotherapy is expected to address and improve the following:

  • Posture and reflex integration
  • Movement
  • Gross motor skills, and functional mobility
  • Muscle balance, strength, and tone
  • Body balance and coordination
  • Range of motion
  • Gait (through gait training)
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Learning difficulties



What is physiotherapy?

When should I see a physiotherapist?

How can physiotherapy help me with my injury?

What conditions do physiotherapists treat?

What techniques do physiotherapists use to treat injuries?

How many sessions should I expect to receive before I experience a change?

What will happen on the first session?

How long does each treatment session last?

Do I need to bring anything?

Do I need a referral to start physiotherapy?

Do you do home visits?

Can physiotherapy reduce headaches?

What is respiratory physiotherapy?

What is pediatric physiotherapy?

What is acupuncture?

How does acupuncture work?

What does acupuncture feel like and - how will I feel?

Is acupuncture safe?

How many acupuncture sessions will be required?

Is there any special advice to follow before an acupuncture treatment?

What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?

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